Gallery Conservationist of the Year 2019 Dusty Herd Reavis Enjoys the Sheridan Farmers Market Cold Cow! Real Salt Patrick Heads Out to Move Cattle Trailing Pairs Guy and Rachel Larsen Help Brand Brisket With Ingredients Patrick, Reavis, Christy, and Hans Lohof Birds Thrive on our Rangeland Horse Pasture Rainbow Flat Iron Cooked to Perfection Christy Counts Cows Through a Gate Christy, Patrick, and Cutlar Sell Meat at the Sheridan, WY Farmer’s Market Sample of Steak, Ground Beef, and Roast Packages 3 of a Kind 3 Working Horses A Good Red Angus Mama Cow Wearing the Lohof Brand April Brings Baby Calves Christy and Little Roany Gather for Branding Cowdog Gretel Helps Christy and Hans Take Yearlings to Spring Pasture Cows Bale Grazing in Snow Fat Cows and Steers Under Montana Sky Gathering Yearlings Gretel Helps Gather Cattle Pairs Hair Sheep She in May as they Lamb Hans Herding Rib Steak and Brand Roast and Steak Sampler Heifers in July of a Record Sweet Clover Year Horses Turned Out to Pasture Intern Sends a Message to Her Family in Israel Katahdin Sheep Patrick Packs Salt to the Cattle Sheep and Goats Graze Invasive Weeds such as Leafy Spurge